PALEMBANG - The South Sumatra Regional Police revealed the number of victims of criminal acts of pedophilia by unscrupulous teachers at one of the Islamic boarding schools (Ponpes) in Ogan Ilir Regency increased to 26 students.

Director of the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the South Sumatra Police, Senior Commissioner Hisar Sialagan, said that his party had again received complaints from 14 students who claimed to be victims of sexual abuse by their own teacher J (22).

The students came to the command post for victims of violence that was set up at the South Sumatra Police Headquarters, accompanied by their respective parents. This means that with the complaint, currently there are 26 students recorded as students.

"We indeed received another complaint today, so currently there are 26 boys (students) in total", he said in Palembang, as reported by Antara, Thursday, September 16.

The suspect was reported by the parents of the students to the Women and Children Service Unit of the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the South Sumatra Police because it was strongly suspected that they had committed a criminal act of sexual immorality to their child.

Based on the report, Sub-Directorate IV for Women and Children Services (PPA) on Monday, September 13 at around 20.00 WIB arrested the suspect in one of the victim's parents' homes. He was arrested almost without a fight.

The Head of the PPA Sub-Directorate, Police Commissioner Masnoni said, based on the victim's confession, the suspect's deviant behavior had been going on for about a year from June 2020 to August 2021.

The modus operandi of the suspect was discovered by visiting the students who were sleeping in their room.

After that, the victim was persuaded by the suspect by giving tens of thousands of rupiahs to comply with his perverted lust.

"The children were all boys, they were kissed by the perpetrator and then told to do oral sex, even being molested by the suspect until he reached satisfaction", Police Commissioner said.

If the victim refuses, he said, the suspect will threaten not to hesitate to lock the victim in a warehouse and then abuse them.

Tragically, in this case, the suspect admitted that his actions were carried out solely to obtain satisfaction. "I committed immorality solely to obtain satisfaction", said the suspect.

The police brought an expert doctor to examine the suspect's mental condition to continue legal construction against him.

For the act of pedophilia, the suspect is subject to Article 82 paragraphs 1, 2, and 4 in conjunction with Article 76 of Law No. 17 of 2016, Government Regulation Law No. 1 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law no. 23 of 2003 concerning Child Protection with a maximum imprisonment of 15 years.

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