KPK Examines Evidence Of MAKI Regarding Suspicious Transactions Ex-Regent Of Kutai Kartanegara Rita Widyasari
Illustrated (Irfan Meidianto / VOI)

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is investigating a suspicious transaction report belonging to the former Kutai Kartanegara Regent Rita Widyasari, a suspect in the alleged money laundering case.

This follows a report submitted by the Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman some time ago.

In his report, Boyamin submitted evidence of suspicious transactions allegedly related to the indictment of the KPK Public Prosecutor (JPU) against former investigator, Stepanus Robin Pattuju, who was said to have received Rp 5.1 billion in money from Rita.

"KPK ensures that it will follow up on each of these public reports by first verifying and reviewing the report data," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, to reporters, Thursday, September 16.

He said the anti-corruption commission appreciated MAKI who actively reported findings of alleged corruption. Ali hopes that in the future, more people will do the same thing to eradicate hooliganism.

"We really appreciate the parties who continue to be persistent in the effort to eradicate corruption," he said.

When reporting to the KPK on Tuesday, September 14, Boyamin said that the suspicious transactions occurred from 2018 to 2020 and were carried out by a number of companies. The transaction, he said, used foreign currency believed to be in the tens of billions of rupiah.

However, Boyamin is not sure that the money was paid for the needs of a lawyer in an effort to assist Rita. The reason is that the nominal transaction does not make sense. Previously, the KPK confirmed that it was still investigating the alleged money laundering case (TPPU) of Rita Widyasari. This certainty follows the giving of money by Rita to Stepanus, her former investigator who became the case broker.

"KPK ensures that the handling of this case is still ongoing. The team is still working to complete the investigation files," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Ali Fikri told reporters, Monday, September 6.

He said his party would continue to work to resolve the alleged money laundering. "So it is not appropriate if there are parties who say this case is stalled," said Ali.

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