JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received 15 representatives of breeders at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 15 today to listen to their complaints in the livestock sector.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo together with the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Muhammad Lutfi accompanying President Jokowi to receive representatives of farmers at the Palace.

"The number of 15 people who are considered capable of representing all of our breeders and the President gives a very, very open time to convey what is the problem and even their complaints," said Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo in Jakarta as reported by Antara.

The Minister of Agriculture said that there were three things that representatives of breeders conveyed to President Jokowi. First, the issue of cultivation or laying hens, feed for laying hens in the form of corn which tends to increase in price, and the price of eggs which is currently very low.

"About these three things they complained about," said Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo.

According to the Minister of Agriculture, President Jokowi gave instructions, among others, first, asking the Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of Trade to take quick steps this week so that the demand for corn, especially in three places namely Klaten, Blitar and Lampung, can be handled at very normative prices.

If necessary, use certain subsidies for the three central regions. "Because the three areas are livestock centers," said Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo.

Second, President Jokowi ordered the Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of Trade to ensure that the dynamics of corn prices are stable. According to the Minister of Agriculture, corn centers are everywhere, but their distribution needs to be made easier for farmers.

The third is related to the need for regulations that can protect farmers, where President Jokowi ordered the Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of Trade to jointly develop joint regulations.

A number of representatives of breeders who were present at the meeting included the chairman of the National Laying Pinsar Yudianto Yosgiarso, the chairman of the Putera Blitar Cooperative Sukarman, the chairman of the National People's Breeders Association (PPRN) Rofi Yasifun and Suroto, a layer breeder who was arrested by officers for unfurling banners or posters during the visit. President's work in Blitar, East Java.

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