JAKARTA - The DKI Education Office plans to increase the number of schools opening to 1,500 to implement face-to-face learning in the capital city. It is planned that it will be implemented on September 27, 2021.

"The timeline is that on September 27 there will be an additional 890 schools, bringing the total to 1500 schools," said Head of Public Relations of the DKI Jakarta Education Agency, Taga Radja Gah when contacted, Tuesday, September 14.

Currently, the 890 schools are undergoing training or assessments to implement limited face-to-face learning (PTM) by implementing health protocols.

"Now we are in the finalization process, the process of tidying up to determine which 890 schools are. So, the determination of 1,500 schools is after attending the trainings set by Disdik," said Taga.

For information, there are currently 610 schools that hold PTM. The method of implementing learning in Jakarta is currently done through blended learning, namely learning in class and learning online.

The face-to-face learning time for each level is as follows: a. SMA/SMK equivalent maximum 35 minutes x 5 hours of lessons (175 minutes a week) b. Junior high school equivalent maximum 35 minutes x 4 hours of lessons (140 minutes a week) c. Elementary school equivalent maximum 35 minutes x 3 hours of lessons (105 minutes a week) d. PAUD maximum 30 minutes x 2 hours of lessons (60 minutes a week)

Class conditions that apply face-to-face learning: a. SMA, SMK, MA, MAK, SMP, MTs, SD, MI, and learning equality programs by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 18 students per class. b. SDLB, MILB, SMPLB, MTsLB and SMLB, MALB learn by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 5 students per class. c. PAUD learns in class by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 5 students per class.

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