JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the MPR, Jazilul Fawaid, regrets that another gunfight occurred between TNI personnel of the Pamtas 403/WP Task Force and the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua, Monday, September 13.

The gunbattle, which reportedly took place at 09.00 to 13.00 eastern Indonesia time, occurred in Kiwirok District, Bintang Mountains Regency, Papua. This incident resulted in a TNI member suffering a gunshot wound to the hand and burning a number of public facilities.


According to him, the TNI-Polri must disclose weapons suppliers to the KKB so that similar problems do not happen again.


“The roots we have to look for, one of which is their network must be cut off. Including the network to get weapons," Jazilul told reporters, Tuesday, September 14.


The member of Commission III of the DPR, assessed that the prolonged and repeated conflict in Papua shows the lack of sophisticated apparatus in mapping the field as well as mitigating and anticipating every KKB movement.


Especially in terms of the supply of weapons and the types of weapons used by the KKB, Jazilul said, it is impossible for the weapons used to be produced in Papua.


"They are not too big a group, the TNI, which is so big, should be able to crush this down to its roots so it doesn't keep appearing every year, every season. One of them is looking for brains and weapons suppliers from where they get their weapons," said Gus Jazil, his nickname.

The Deputy Chairperson of the PKB said that dealing with problems in Papua must also be carried out with other approaches. Namely the approach to humanity, culture, and welfare as carried out by the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia, KH. Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur). He said the approach had to be holistic and comprehensive.


"I hope that the approach taken to resolve the conflict in Papua is more holistic and more sophisticated so that the KKB in Papua can be crushed to its roots," said Gus Jazil.


It is known that an armed conflict occurred between the personnel of the Kiwirok Post, Pamtas Task Force 403/WP, and the Ngalum-Kupel KKB led by Lamek Taplo and the burning of public facilities and residential areas.


Personnel of the Pamtas Infantry Battalion 403/WP who suffered a gunshot wound to the right arm on behalf of Second Soldier Ansar. He was shot by two rounds of ammunition through the bone.

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