JAKARTA - Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPR) asked the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) to conduct audits in all prisons in Indonesia.
This is necessary to anticipate repeated incidents following the fire incident at the Class I prison in Tangerang, Wednesday, August 8. At least 47 inmates died as a result of the incident.
"We urge an audit of all prisons throughout Indonesia", said Taufik Basari, member of Commission III of the House of Representatives from the NasDem Party faction, Tuesday, September 14.
Tobas, as he is known, explained that the audit in question was related to various facilities in prisons. This includes security, safety, electrical installations, to standard operating procedures (SOPs) for handling fires to ensure all facilities run properly.
"So that it can minimize all kinds of disasters that will occur in prisons. And also as a prevention effort", said the chairman of the NasDem Party Central Executive Board (DPP).
Tobas hopes that the incident that occurred at the Tangerang Prison, Banten, will be the last fire incident.
Most importantly, he also asked Menkumham Yasonna Laoly and the Director-General of PAS to be responsible for the disaster without exception. The reason, he said, was the authority of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to ensure the safety of all prisoners.
"Even if the Menkumham evades it on the grounds of overload or excess capacity, it should not be the reason for a fire to occur if the supervision is carried out properly", Tobas said.
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