SULSEL – Waiting for the results of the psychological examination of AP's parents, the little girl whose eyes were gouged out for victims of pesugihan (black magic), the Gowa Police carried out an investigation into the death of AP's brother, DN.

In revealing DN's death, the Gowa Police received assistance from the South Sulawesi Police to conduct an autopsy on DN's body.

An autopsy was carried out to reveal DN's odd death. Yes, it was reported that DN died due to being force-fed with salt water by his parents. Of course the news adds to the suspicion of the police to reveal the real facts. As well as proving whether it is true that both AP and DN's parents did heinous things on the basis of black magic.

Head of the Sub-Division of Public Relations of the Gowa Police, AKP Mangatas Tambunan, said that his party had coordinated with the Bhayangkara Hospital in Makassar to conduct an autopsy on the body of AP's brother.

According to AKP Mangatas, previously DN had been buried by his family.

"We are coordinating with Bhayangkara Hospital to carry out an autopsy. An autopsy is being carried out to determine the cause of death of the victim (DN)," he told reporters, Monday, September 13.

Mangatas said an autopsy was needed to answer public questions regarding the fateful incident.

"Because so far, many people have said that there are various kinds of information circulating (DN died because he was fed salt water). So to explain that, the hospital will explain (the autopsy)," he continued.

Meanwhile, the results of the psychological tests of the victim's parents, HAS (43) and TAU (47), have not yet been received by the Gowa Police.

However, Mangatas said HA and TAU were still at the Dadi Makassar Regional Special Hospital (RSKD).

"There are no psychological test results yet. He (HAS and TAU) are still in the hospital," he concluded.

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