JAKARTA - Two groups of residents were involved in a brawl on Bogor street, Ciracas, East Jakarta. The incident was caught on a local resident's cell phone camera.

It was seen that two groups suspected of originating from Cipayung and Gongseng Ciracas residents attacked each other with sharp weapons. The brawl lasted about an hour.

According to Tegar, a local resident, in that area, fights often occur.

"Very often every night, residents from anywhere I often see, if at night clashes from the village there and the village here, very often," he told reporters, Monday, September 13.

The perpetrators of the brawl used various types of sharp weapons such as sickles and comb machetes to attack their opponents.

"There are many (types of sharp weapons), some carry sickles, the same samurai, klewang, gosir (comb machetes) are also available," he said.

According to him, the brawls of the two groups have often occurred as if they have become sworn enemies who always fight.

On the other hand, during the brawl, no police were on the scene. Residents hope that the police can catch the perpetrators.

"Unsettled, of course, people passing by are afraid. Some must have stopped, some were turned around, some were waiting, if you say is it restless, of course, it is," he said.

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