Propam Polda Metro Jaya Participates In Monitoring MS Cases At Central Jakarta Police And Gambir Police
Mehbob, MS's attorney/Photo: Rizky Sulistio/VOI

JAKARTA - MS's attorney, Mehbob went to the Central Jakarta Metro Police to provide additional information on cases of alleged sexual harassment and bullying experienced by MS at the KPI office.

"I contacted MS to come to the Resort Police, we accompanied. This is their internal problem (the police), a reporting problem at the Gambir Police. Gambir Police is related to what happened, so the Sector Police did not follow up," Mehbob told VOI, Monday, September 13.

According to Mehbob, MS has explained everything. In 2020, MS reported again to the Gambir Police, and then the Gambir Police directed MS to the Resort Police because this was a problem with the Central Jakarta Police PPA Unit.

"So, in fact, the Gambir Police Station was directed. Because MS didn't know the law, technically, he finally went home. Actually, the Sector Police gave directions," he said.

Meanwhile, related to this case, the process of investigating and investigating alleged cases of sexual violence and bullying experienced by an employee of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) with the initials MS was also supervised by Propam Metro Jaya Police.

The involvement of the Polda Propam in the investigation of the case was carried out so that the case was truly handled transparently until it was clearly revealed.

The statement was made by the Deputy Chief of the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Grand Commissioner Adjutant Setyo Kusheryanto. Waka said that his party was committed to resolving the case from the MS testimony that went viral on Wednesday, September 1.

"In handling this, we involved our internal team from the Central Jakarta Metro Police Propam and also assisted by the Metro Jaya Police Propam so that we are committed to making light of this incident," he told VOI, Monday, September 13.

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