JAKARTA - Chair of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Meutya Hafid, revealed that his party was still waiting for a letter from President Joko Widodo regarding the name of the candidate for the TNI Commander in Chief to replace Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto. It is known that Marshal Hadi will retire in November.

"No letter yet," said Meutya at the DPR Building, Monday, September 13.

The Golkar politician explained that the mechanism for the retirement period for the TNI Commander in Chief was on the last day of the month of his birth. This means that Marshal Hadi automatically retires right on his 58th birthday on November 8, 2021. "The retirement is on the last day of the month of birth. So Mr. Hadi still has time before retiring until the end of November," explained Meutya.


So, he said, President Jokowi had enough time to consider who the best figure would be as a candidate for TNI Commander. Although, usually the candidate's name has been submitted 3 months before the retirement period ends. "We give enough time for the president to decide who he considers the best in terms of needs, according to the needs of the nation," said Meutya.



Previously, Member of Commission I DPR RI from the Golkar faction Dave Laksono also spoke about the change of TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto. He said that the DPR, especially Commission I, had not yet received the president's letter regarding the replacement of the TNI Commander.


"There is no (president instruction) yet," said Dave, Sunday, September 12.


However, he hopes that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will soon make his choice regarding the commander of the TNI.


"This is for the sake of continuing the succession of TNI leadership. Whoever the president chooses, surely the best TNI soldiers who are able to continue the tasks of maintaining the nation's sovereignty," said Dave.

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