JAKARTA - It was revealed that FF, the Pajero car that was traveling at high speed in the Lebak Bulus area, South Jakarta, was not from the TNI (Indonesian Army) unit.

Kebayoran Baru Metro Police Chief, AKBP Febri Isman Jaya said the number of the Pajero car driven by the perpetrator did not match the number plate used, the TNI unit plate.

Still, Febri said, FF admitted that he had intentionally installed the TNI service plate to avoid raids.

"He said it wasn't (original), he just stuck to it. Just as camouflage so it wouldn't be raided", Febri told reporters, Monday, September 13.

Previously, the police had arrested the driver of the Pajero Sport car with the initials FF who used a number plate similar to the TNI service plate on Jalan Bulungan Raya, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Sunday, September 12, at around 03.00 WIB.

The arrests began when the officers patrolled the area. Then, the car passed several times at high speed.

"This black Pajero car went back and forth three times at a fairly fast speed. But he was wearing a license plate from another agency", said Kebayoran Baru Metro Police Chief, AKBP Febri Isman.

To the police, the driver of the car showed a card suspected of being a member of the TNI through the windshield of the car while passing.

"He gave us the glass to show the (member) card. On the second return, from the direction of the Bulungan GOR, we detained them here. It turned out that they were not members inside", said Febri.

The car uses a red color plate 6810-00 Denma TNI Headquarters. However, inside the car, the police found the number plate B-81-LLF which matched the STNK (Vehicle Registration Certificate).

In addition to the driver, said Febri, in the car there were also two women and one man. They were then taken to the South Jakarta Metro Police for questioning.

"Taken to the Police for questioning, as well as the passengers in the car", said Febri.

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