JAKARTA - Densus 88 secured a number of evidences from the house of the suspected terrorist on Jalan Kebon Pisang, RT 04/07, Wijaya Kesuma Village, Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta. Some of them are a number of books, sharp weapons. In the photo of the arrest, a firearm was found.
Based on information received by VOI, Friday, September 10, at around 05.30 WIB, the Densus 88 Team made observations and monitoring around the suspect's house. It is suspected that the Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) network is still carrying out congregational prayers at the Islamiyah Mosque.

Then at around 05.15 WIB, the target of the operation (TO) returned to his house. Not long after, the Densus 88 Team immediately went to the suspect's house. Inside the house, the suspect was immediately secured to the West Jakarta Metro Police.
After being identified, an examination was carried out and evidence was found in the form of a samurai and 57 books, including:
1. Return from Guantanamo
2. Algerian Jihad Ballad
3. The most recent fatwa
4. Message of Faith from Behind the Barriers
5. Footsteps of the Caliphs
6. The power of Jihad Harta
7. Tarbiyah Jihadiya 11
8. Ansharut Tauhid
9. Taujih & TadKirah (Advice and Warning) Ustad Abu Bakar Ba'asyir
10. The Book of Tawhid
11. Many people disbelieve in the defenders of the Thaghut
12. Al Jihad Sabiluna jihad is our way of struggle
13. Taujih signs of sincerity, etc
As of now, the suspect is still under investigation.
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