JAKARTA - The Jakarta Provincial Government has allowed film production businesses to resume operations from July 6 to July 16 2020, or to coincide with the expiration of the transition period for the PSBB.

After that, the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Disparekraf) will conduct an evaluation regarding the potential for COVID-19 transmission based on the results of the two weeks of surveillance.

Head of DKI Disparekraf, Cucu Ahmad Kurnia, said that there are a number of COVID-19 prevention protocols that must be obeyed by all parties, both management or producers, actors, and crews working at production sites. The main requirement that must be implemented is a COVID-19 test for the crew and cast.

"For the crew who will be present at the location, management is obliged to carry out a rapid test at least two days before film production. Then, the cast is required to do a swab test at least 5 days prior to the activity," said Cucu when contacted, Tuesday, July 7.

"This test is proven by a certificate of validity of the test results from the competent authority and is repeated every 2 weeks," he continued.

Then there are general and specific protocols for each film worker that must be applied during the COVID-19 pandemic. In general protocol, management or producers are required to provide hand washing facilities, apply safe distance, use masks or personal protective equipment (PPE), and prepare temporary isolation areas for workers who are indicated by COVID-19.

Cast and crew specific protocols

The cast and crew are the most at risk of contracting COVID-19 in film production activities because they require working in groups. Therefore, there is a special protocol that must be implemented.

First, all cast and crew at the location must clean their hands upon arrival, after using the toilet, before and after eating, after contact with shared equipment and animals.

"Hand hygiene is a cornerstone of prevention and needs to be practiced widely in the work environment. Given that there are potential concerns about transmission of COVID-19 through contact," said Cucu.

The cast and crew are required to wear masks while on location. Actors may only take off their masks when shooting an image that is highlighted by the camera (inframe).

There needs to be special attention to the film actors who are children because of the difficulty of keeping their distance, wearing PPE, and obeying cleanliness. Assistance for minors must be limited to one guardian.

"When not working, children must be moved to a location prepared with special criteria, safe and as far as possible," he said.

Then, the cast and crew are asked to minimize the use of work equipment that is done together or alternately. This collective work equipment must be cleaned before and after use.

Casts and crews are also asked to minimize paper usage during production activities and maximize digital use such as film scripts, crew lists, production reports, and other similar documents.

"If it is not possible to use digital film scripts, then each player's script paper must be labeled according to the name and prohibited from borrowing it to others," said Cucu.

Production activity protocol

The producer, cast, and crew had to alternate production activities on set locations that required a lot of people. In the setting of the set, as much as possible apply keep a safety distance of at least 1 meter.

Then, there is disinfection or cleaning of property and production tools which are alternately worn. Where possible, seek to use site security with a layered zone system.

"All parties related to film production are prohibited from bringing in unauthorized family members or personnel," said Cucu.

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