KALBAR - The West Kalimantan Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and the Religious Harmony Forum together with Islamic organizations, namely PWNU and PW Muhamadiyah Kalbar issued a joint statement regarding the Indonesian Ahmadiyya Congregation (JAI) in Sintang Regency.

"The joint statement that we issued regarding the September 3, 2021 incident against JAI Sintang is a response to the existing problem. There were four points that were conveyed," said West Kalimantan MUI Chair M Basri Har in Pontianak, Antara, Thursday, September 9.

There are 4 points of joint statement of this religious organization. First, the Ahmadiyya sect outside Islam or heretical and misleading because it does not recognize the Prophet Muhammad as the last prophet.

For this reason, his party appeals and invites all parties to embrace JAI back to true or straight Islam through a process of coaching, persuasive da'wah and peace without violence.

Second, his party does not agree with the handling of Ahmadiyah in Sintang Regency by means of violence and destruction.

Third, entrust and support the local government and the West Kalimantan Regional Police as well as the authorities in solving these problems. Fourth, urge all parties to maintain a cool, safe, peaceful and harmonious atmosphere.

Previously, the West Kalimantan MUI asked Muslim residents to prioritize politeness in addressing the JAI issue following the destruction of a place of worship for the Indonesian Ahmadiyya Community in Balai Harapan Village, Temunak District, Sintang Regency, on September 3, 2021.

"Regarding the September 3, 2021 case in Sintang, MUI invites Muslims to deal with Ahmadiyah in a polite, non-anarchic, and not violent manner," he said.

Basri asked the district and city-level MUI leaders in West Kalimantan to pay close attention to the development of the situation after the destruction of the JAI place of worship in Sintang and to calm Muslim residents in their respective areas so that they would not be provoked and provoked.

He also asked all parties to exercise restraint so as not to cloud the atmosphere and hand over the handling of cases of destruction of JAI's places of worship to law enforcement officials.

"The problem of Ahmadiyah and the riots we entrust to the government and security forces or law enforcement. God willing, Allah is with us," he said.

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