JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Cinema Management Association (GPBSI) Djonny Syafruddin said cinemas are planned to operate next week on September 14.

"The plan is for cinemas in Jakarta to open on September 14. This is just a plan, not sure because of how the government is going. But the direction is already there", Djonny said when contacted, Wednesday, September 8.

Djonny said this plan had been rolled out to cinema entrepreneurs to prepare the mechanism for the operation of film screenings when they opened later.

When operating later, continued Djonny, cinemas will require visitors to have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Access to cinemas using the PeduliLindung application.

Health protocols must continue. For example, the audience capacity is limited to 50 percent in one room, including maintaining a distance between the seats between spectators.

However, Djonny admitted that the cinema manager was still waiting for official regulations from the government to be able to operate their cinema. Starting from the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs to the Decree of the Governor of DKI regarding the next PPKM (Community Activity Restrictions) policy.

"For these principles, the Minister of Home Affairs issued it. If it is indeed on the 14th, at least 60 percent of Jakarta's (open cinemas) are open", said Djonny.

"Hopefully (the opening of cinemas) in Bekasi will follow, Tangerang will follow, Depok will follow, Bogor will follow. That's almost 50 percent of the market in Indonesia", he continued.

For information, cinemas were closed again when the government implemented Emergency PPKM last July. To this day, DKI Jakarta is still implementing PPKM Level 3. Under the current PPKM Level 3 rules, cinemas are still not allowed to operate.

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