JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said that almost all provinces experienced a decline in positive cases of COVID-19 this week. However, there is still one province whose weekly cases are increasing, namely West Papua.

"If last week all provinces showed a decline in weekly positive cases, unfortunately, this week there is one province that has increased again, namely West Papua", said Wiku in a virtual press conference, Tuesday, September 7.

Wiku said, West Papua's COVID-19 cases this week totaled 398 cases. This figure is up from the previous week which amounted to 319 cases.

Furthermore, if we look at active cases, Wiku said that there was only one province that experienced an increase in the percentage of active cases, namely Papua, which increased by 0.32 percent.

"The percentage of active cases in Papua over the past 2 weeks is also the highest in Indonesia, namely 37.87 percent in the previous week and 38.19 percent in the last week", said Wiku.

Meanwhile, nationally, COVID-19 cases in one week decreased. Last week, there were 94.373 new cases of COVID-19 nationwide a week. This week, cases decreased to 55.189 cases.

Likewise with the percentage of active cases. Last week, the national active case was 5.34 percent. Active cases this week fell to 3.77 percent.

"The good news is, this week's decline indicates that both positive cases and the national active case percentage have fallen for 7 consecutive weeks", said Wiku.

"However, it should be noted that our goal is to reduce cases to what they were before the spike in cases. Considering that the current cases, although they have decreased, are still double the cases in mid-May", he continued.

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