SORONG - The Head of the West Papua Regional Police, Inspector General Tornagogo Sihombing emphasized that whoever attacked the Kisor Koramil Post in South Aifat District, Maybrat Regency, was a group of barbarians.

"In the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic like this, there are still humans who do such brutal things and actions. This is barbaric, I say once again this is a barbaric act," he said.

Four TNI AD personnel, members of the Aifat Slatan Preparatory Koramil, Kodim 1809/Maybrat, lost their lives viciously inside their post after being attacked by dozens of people whose identities and motivations were unknown. Kodim 1809/Maybrat is the newest Kodim in the Indonesian Army with the first commander being Lieutenant Colonel Infantry Harry Ismail.

For the loss of its members, the Commander of Kodam XVIII/Kasuari, Major General TNI I Nyoman Cantiasa, has ordered his staff to pursue and arrest the perpetrators - which he calls a terrorist separatist group - under any circumstances.

As law enforcers, said Sihombing, the police have not been able to determine which group the attackers at the Maybrat Koramil Post belonged to and what their motives were because they were still investigating.

"We are still calling the attackers of Posramil Maybrat an unknown group of people or OTK because they are still being investigated," he said.

The police, he said, have processed the crime scene to gather evidence for what happened and are cooperating with Korem 181/PVT to investigate and find the perpetrators.

"We are trying professionally to handle this case. Hopefully the results are positive so we can find out which group carried out the attack and what the motive was," he said.

Two people suspected of being the perpetrators of the attack on Posramil Maybrat have been arrested and are being questioned at the South Sorong Police Station.

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