JAKARTA - Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Rosan Roeslani asked the government to accelerate the implementation of stimulus to the real sector, especially regarding working capital. According to him, the government must take concrete steps.

Rosan said, what is currently needed by MSMEs and the business world is working capital. He explained that this working capital was used to help the sector move again.

"The restructuring process that is already underway will not be more optimal without an injection of working capital from the banking sector," said Rosan, in a virtual press conference, Thursday, July 2.

According to Rosan, the slow implementation of working capital can cause the business world which is now experiencing temporary paralysis to become permanently paralyzed.

Together with other business associations, Rosan suggested that the government provide a working capital guarantee of about 80 percent to 90 percent. Meanwhile, the rest is given from banks.

"We also propose, because this has also been done by our neighboring countries, for this working capital there is a guarantee from the government. The remaining 10 percent comes from the banking sector," he said.

By adopting a scheme carried out by neighboring countries, said Rosan, moral hazard can be prevented. Because the government does not provide liquidity directly to banks, but the government is only involved as a guarantor.

On the same occasion, Chairman of the Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) Hariyadi Sukamdani said that working capital is still a big problem today. According to him, the business world still has not seen a clear direction from the implementation.

"The allocated working capital is not clear, so whether it is yes or not. Because we asked the Rp30 trillion that was executed by the Ministry of Finance for what? It turns out that it is true for MSMEs," said Hariyadi.

In fact, according to Hariyadi, corporations with larger sizes also need additional stimulus that is not inferior to MSMEs.

"We still need further steps from the government on a stimulus to encourage corporations to roll back," he said.

For your information, in supporting the movement of the business world amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) has invited three associations engaged in the real sector. The three associations include the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (Hipmi), and the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo).

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