INDRAGIRI HULU - The Regent of Indragiri Hulu, Riau, Rezita Meylani Yopi gave a warning to the Indrasari Rengat Hospital, responding to a number of complaints from patients who seek treatment at that place with not optimal service.

"This incident should not have happened at the RSUD, therefore I asked for this incident as a form of evaluation," he said in Rengat, Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau, Thursday, September 2.

Previously, there were patients who reported to the Regional House of Representatives (DRPD) of Indragiri Hulu Regency because they did not get optimal service because they were suspected of using the BPJS Health card.

"Services that are less than excellent can actually bring a bad image to the Indrasari Hospital and the Inhu (Indragiri Hulu) area. For these complaints, medical personnel, administrative staff who serve the community must improve their performance and professionalism," he said.

For this incident, Regent Rezita Meylani Yopi gave a stern warning to the hospital management and asked for service improvements to create a good image for the community and a sense of comfort and safety for patients seeking treatment.

"Especially in the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the performance of health workers and service workers must be optimal," he said.

He hoped that the hospital would not discriminate between patients seeking treatment, especially for patients participating in BPJS Kesehatan.

The Acting Director of the Indrasari Hospital Rengat Sepriadi said that the service incident was still not good, it was a serious concern for his side for future improvements.

He promised to make improvements, especially following up on the regent's directives. "We will try to provide a better service," he said.

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