JAKARTA - The Project Management Officer (PMO) of the Pre-Employment Card Program has officially terminated the training package system that has been carried out by the pre-employment program platform partners.

The discontinuation of this package system is known based on a circular letter (SE) issued by PMO dated June 30. The SE was signed by the Executive Director of Implementing Management for the Pre-Employment Card Program, Denni Puspa Purbasari.

"The executive management has decided to stop all transactions and sales of training packages offered by digital platform partners so that the implementation of the pre-employment card program can be carried out in accordance with statutory regulations," Denni said in an SE obtained by VOI, Thursday, July 2.

With this decision, Denni asked all digital platform partners to take the necessary steps. Including, removing and stopping the sale of training packages.

This decree is intended for pre-employment partners, namely Bukalapak, MauBelajarApa, Pijar Mahir, Pintaria, SekolahMu, Sisnaker, Skill Academy by Ruangguru and Tokopedia.

Meanwhile, Winanteya Ruky, Director of Communications for the Executive Management of the Employment Cards, said that the circular letter was distributed. He explained that what was stopped from the Pre-employment Card training was training in the form of a bundling package only.

Furthermore, Panji explained, the Pre-Employment Card training program has thousands of varied types of training, and the terminated bundling package is only a small part of all the training offered.

"Training participants still have the freedom to choose the type of training according to their interests and needs," he said, when contacted by VOI, Thursday, June 2.

The discontinuation of the package system, said Panji, had no impact on the Pre-Work Card program as a whole. He emphasized that the Pre-Work Card program will continue to run according to the direction of the Job Creation Committee.

"The special termination of the bundling package is only effective from June 30 and does not apply retroactively. So that the incentives for participants who used to take the bundling training package will continue as usual," he explained.

Panji explained that digital platform partners and training institutions that have sold bundling training packages until June 30 will still receive payment for the training they have held.

"We say again that the termination of this type of bundling package is one of the steps in implementing good program governance, so that participants can really benefit from this program without limiting the participants' freedom to choose from thousands of other types of training," he explained.

For your information, in the SE PMO it is explained that the termination of this training package is based on an evaluation by the implementer of the Pre-Employment Card program. Based on the evaluation, there are several things to note.

First, several digital platform partners create and offer training package products consisting of several types or training classes by one or more training institutions on each platform.

Second, there is no mechanism to ensure that each participant who takes or buys a training package completes all types or classes of training. As a result, there is no report regarding the assessment of the trainees.

On this basis, the executive management cannot carry out its duties to evaluate one or several types or classes of training contained in the package.

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