JAKARTA - The Corona Likelihood Metric (CLM) self-test or screening application has been implemented in several schools that will carry out Face-to-face Learning (PTM) to find out the current condition of students and teachers.

The CLM is intended to help everyone measure the risk of a possible positive COVID-19 and recommend what to do.

A number of schools in Central Jakarta have implemented the obligation to fill in the health conditions of teachers and students through the CLM application, as one of the conditions in the "assessment" that must be met before implementing limited PTM.

"Even before the limited PTM was carried out, we had implemented CLM to determine the health conditions of teachers and students since the PTM trial last April," said Principal of SMKN 2 Jakarta Murni Astuti to reporters, Tuesday, August 31.

Murni explained, before PTM was limited to Monday, August 30, yesterday, the School Committee had appealed to students and parents to fill in their current health conditions, ranging from body temperature to flu and cough symptoms.

Health data filling in the CLM self-screening is carried out every week to find out the current condition of students and teachers.

"Every week we update. Yesterday before the PTM was limited to Monday we also gave it to the children (students) please fill it out, at the parents' meeting we also urge them to help fill in so we have data," he said.

Meanwhile, according to the teacher at SMAN 77 Jakarta, Mulyono, the school must know very well the condition of students through CLM.

"Before PTM, we first sent a 'google form' to students and parents to fill out an 'assessment'. There were a lot of questions, in terms of health conditions. From there you know the condition for us to recap," he said.

The Corona Likelihood Metric (CLM) application is an independent screening application with machine learning technology made by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

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