JAKARTA - Chairman of the Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN), Zulkifli Hasan, believes that there is a need for an evaluation of the results of the amendment to the 1945 Constitution, which is 23 years old.

"After 23 years, the results of the amendments, in my opinion, need to be evaluated. Including our democracy, where are we going", said Zulkifli in a speech to the PAN II National Working Meeting, Tuesday, August 31.

Zulhas, as he is known, then talked about his presence with the Secretary-General of PAN, Eddy Soeparno, at the meeting of President Jokowi at the Merdeka Palace, Wednesday, August 25.

He revealed what Jokowi discussed in a meeting with the general chairmen and the secretary-general of the government coalition political parties. One of them touched on Pancasila, especially the fourth precept.

According to Zulhas, these precepts have emphasized that Indonesian democracy is based on deliberation led by people who have wisdom. Wisdom, he said, means having sufficient knowledge and strong faith so that you have wisdom.

"There are also those who say, 'Wow, we need guided democracy', some say that. I said, if you want to give a term, it's clear that the fourth precept is 'people who are led by wisdom in representative deliberation'. So we are indeed a deliberation democracy, a deliberation democracy, led by people who have wisdom. Well, wisdom is enough knowledge, faith is strong so it has wisdom", explained the former chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly.

Support for the amendment to the 1945 Constitution then became the spotlight. Because before PAN participated in Jokowi's meeting, Zulhas believed that the proposed amendment to the 1945 Constitution which was currently rolling would not happen until the 2024 General Election. Along with the discourse to revive the Principles of State Policy (PPHN).

"I think that until the next election the amendment will not take place. You don't have to worry too much", said Zulhas, Monday, August 23.

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