JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, reprimanded 10 regents and mayors who still have not paid incentives for health workers.

The staff of the Minister of Home Affairs, Kastorius Sinaga, said that the realization of the regional health workforce incentive expenditure post (Innakesda) was one of the focuses of the Minister of Home Affairs Tito's attention in monitoring the realization of Regional Budget expenditures.

"The 2021 Regional Budget refocusing policy has outlined that 8 percent of the general allocation fund (DAU) and DBH (profit-sharing fund) for the 2021 fiscal year is intended for handling COVID-19, including payment of incentives for regional health workers", he said in an official statement, reported by Antara, Tuesday, August 31.

This means that continued Kastorius Sinaga, the availability of funds should be guaranteed for Innakesda. However, the results of routine monitoring of the Ministry of Home Affairs, whose data have been checked back to the data of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health, there are still many regions that have not paid Innakesda.

In fact, he continued, in several areas including PPKM (Community Activity Restrictions) level 4, where the spread of COVID-19 is in the red zone, the incentives for health workers have not been realized by regional heads.

"The Minister of Home Affairs is very concerned about health workers because they are one of the front liners in handling COVID-19 in the regions", he said.

Therefore, Kastorius Sinaga said that on August 30, 2021, the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, had signed a warning letter to 10 regional heads (regents and mayors) who had not paid incentives to health workers in their regions.

"Today, the Minister's warning letter number 904 dated August 26, 2021, will be sent directly to 10 regents and mayors who have not paid their Innakesda", he said.

Kastorius Sinaga explained that the 10 regional heads were the Mayor of Padang, the Regent of Nabire, the Mayor of Bandar Lampung, the Regent of Madiun, the Mayor of Pontianak, the Regent of Penajem Paser Utara, the Regent of Gianyar, the Mayor of Langsa, the Mayor of Prabumulih, and the Regent of Paser.

In the warning letter that was copied to the President, the Minister of Home Affairs asked the regional heads to immediately pay the Innakesda.

Then, if the region has not refocused the budget as a source of Innakesda expenditure, the regional head can make changes to the regional head regulation (Perkada) by notifying the leadership of the Regional House of Representatives so that Innakesda payments are not hampered.

The Ministry of Home Affairs is very serious about overseeing the realization of budget expenditures by local governments throughout Indonesia. In fact, directly, the Minister of Home Affairs ordered the echelon 1 ranks of the Ministry of Home Affairs, especially the Inspectorate General and the Director-General of Regional Finance to monitor the realization of the Regional Budget weekly.

The weekly monitoring of the realization of 548 local governments throughout Indonesia is related to the levers of economic recovery in the regions and the handling of COVID-19 in the regions.

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