JAKARTA - The panel of judges of the DKI Jakarta High Court (PT) upheld the first-degree decision in the case of the swab results of the UMMI Hospital. So, Rizieq was still sentenced to four years in prison.

In the first-degree verdict, Rizieq was found guilty of violating Article 14 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 1 of 1946 regarding the Criminal Law Regulations Jo Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.

"Yes, the panel of judges upheld the verdict against Habib Rizieq Shihab," said Rizieq's lawyer, Ichwan Tuankota.

The decision of the panel of judges in strengthening the verdict against Rizieq Shihab was of course with various considerations. For example, aggravating and mitigating considerations.

On the other hand, Ichwan said that Rizieq's team of lawyers agreed to reject and object to the decision. The reason is that the decision was unfair to Rizieq Shihab.

"What is clear is that we reject this decision and it is far from a sense of justice," said Ichwan.

Thus, the team of lawyers will think of other legal countermeasures. However, for now we are still waiting for an official copy of the verdict.

"Our team will wait for the release of an official notification from the High Court to determine what legal steps will be," said Ichwan.

Not only that, in the trial at the appellate level, the panel of judges also upheld the first-degree verdict for the defendants Hanif Alatas and dr. Andi Tatat. They were each sentenced to 1 year in prison.

The trial of the defendants went well. Although, not attended by the team of lawyers and public prosecutors.

However, the situation is different outside the court. Rizieq's sympathizers caused chaos and eventually clashed with the police.

They threw stones and other objects at the police. While responding with tear gas shots

Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Hengki Heryadi said that four police officers were injured in the chaos. They were attacked by Rizieq Shihab's sympathizers.

"There were 2 Sabharas who were beaten, the Head of Intel, Head of the Ops. There were no open wounds, so they were beaten," said Hengki.

In fact, the Head of Operations at the Central Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Guntur, had lost consciousness because he was beaten and fell. Luckily, the other members immediately helped him.

"He fainted for a long time, he (Head of Ops) fell. He fell a little and then he regained consciousness. (Cause) He was beaten, beaten," said Hengki.

Meanwhile, in the aftermath of the chaos, dozens of Rizieq's sympathizers were arrested. Some of them were found carrying sharp weapons.

"There are 5 people who carry sharp weapons and the perpetrators of the persecution are processed at the Central Jakarta Police," said Hengki.

The sharp weapon that was secured from the sympathizers was a knife. Then, of the 36 sympathizers who were arrested, most were taken to the Polda Metro Jaya. In addition, there are also minors.

"36 were secured, 27 were (taken) to the Regional Police. Then, 9 people at the Central Jakarta Resort Police, 4 minors, 17 years old and 16 years old, were immediately picked up by their parents for coordination," said Hengki.

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