JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ministry of Health has implemented a special strategy to combat tuberculosis (TB) in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. said Director of Prevention and Control of Directly Infectious Diseases, the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi who was confirmed in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Monday, August 30. The Ministry of Health in 2019. According to Nadia, there are four strategies to eliminate TB and Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (TBC RO) in Indonesia until 2030, according to Presidential Regulation No. 67 of 2021 concerning Tuberculosis Control signed by President Jokowi on August 2, 2021. The regulation sets an elimination target TB on the incidence (incidance rate) to 65 per 100,000 population and reduce the death rate due to tuberculosis to six per 100,000 population. The first strategy, said Nadia, is to increase the intensity of education, communication and socialization to the public about tuberculosis. The second is to increase the intensity of outreach to the community to find tuberculosis patients. Third, strengthen health facilities, both in puskesmas, clinics or other public health services. Fourth, strengthen information and monitoring systems to ensure that tuberculosis patients undergo treatment until they are cured. play a major role through active participation in supporting the prevention of disease transmission, case finding, early detection and treatment assistance for TB patients," he said.

Nadia said that this strategy requires special efforts considering that the implementation of the activity is faced with the COVID-19 pandemic situation, so that provincial, city and district TB program managers are expected to make contingency plans. infect those who are in contact. Plans for drug and other logistics needs, including masks with various balances of conditions that occur, "he said. According to Nadia, program managers also need to map and appoint temporary TB RO referral health facilities to be separated from COVID-19 health facilities signed by the head of the health department The Ministry of Health also encourages the mapping of other health facilities for laboratory services in the context of TB diagnosis, if the old network needs to be adjusted due to the handling of COVID-19 in the area. according to local capabilities. We also encourage the involvement of the local community to assist patients," he said.

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