JAKARTA - Government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto (Yuri) explained that as of June 30, 21,515 specimens had been examined and found 1,293 positive cases. In total, there were 56,385 positive cases since it was first discovered. Meanwhile, the number of specimens that had been examined reached 803,898 specimens.

Referring to the data on the distribution of positive cases, several regions are still the biggest contributor to cases. For example, East Java, Central Java and South Sulawesi. However, some of these areas have quite large cases of recovery.

One of them, DKI Jakarta. Although positive cases reached 193, the number of recovered cases was almost double with 394 recovered. Likewise several other areas.

"East Java added as many as 331 new cases, but also reported 121 recoveries. DKI Jakarta today reported 193 new cases and 394 recovered. Then Central Java reported 153 new cases and 50 recovered. South Kalimantan reported 106 new cases with 38 recovered. Then South Sulawesi reported 89 new cases and 69 recovered, "said Yuri at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Tuesday, June 30.

In addition, good news was heard from the decline in positive cases in a number of regions. As many as 19 Provinces reported cases below 10. In fact, 7 Provinces did not find any additional positive cases.

Several provinces where there were no new positive cases were found, among them, Bangka Belitung, then Bengkulu, Jambi, West Kalimantan, Riau Islands, Riau and East Nusa Tenggara.

Cases recovered were above the world average

Meanwhile, in recovered cases, Yuri said, several regions showed the percentage rate was above the world average of 50.3 percent. In fact, some provinces have reached 80 percent.

Provinces with a large percentage of recovered cases, for example, West Nusa Tenggara 81.1 percent, East Kalimantan 73.7 percent, Yogyakarta 85.3 percent, Gorontalo 80.2 percent, South Sulawesi 82.3 percent, North Kalimantan 73.5 percent , Lampung 79.3 percent, West Sulawesi 72, percent, Bangka Belitung 86.8 percent, Bengkulu 71.2 percent, West Kalimantan 81.9 percent, Riau Islands 81.6 percent, and Riau 73.5 percent of cases recovered.

"The total recovery that we got today is 1,006 people who have recovered, so the accumulated recovery is 24,806 people," said Yuri.

During the pandemic period, it was recorded that 449 City Districts were affected from 34 provinces in Indonesia. Then, the number of people under monitoring (ODP) was 43,797 people. Meanwhile, patients under surveillance reached 13,182 people.

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