Central Sulawesi – The circulation of a video of the Regent of Donggala Kasman Lassa violating the health protocol (prokes) made the Regional Leadership Council (DPW) of the National Democratic Party (NasDem) of Central Sulawesi Province, Atha Mahmud, speaks up.

Atha Mahmud criticized Kasman for violating the COVID-19 prevention process, namely singing and dancing with residents, some of whom were not wearing masks.

"Kasman Lassa should set an example to the public regarding the rules of health protocols, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic situation," said Head of the Central Sulawesi NasDem Party DPW Atha Mahmud in Palu, quoting Antara, Saturday, August 28.

It is known that last Thursday, August 24, the Regent of Donggala Kasman Lassa was seen singing and dancing with several residents at an event in Tanjung Batu Village, Banawa District.

In the video that was widely circulated, Kasman Lassa and several residents who were dancing were wearing masks, but the masks worn only covered the chin, while the mouth and nose were not covered by the mask. Some residents who joined the dance with Regent Kasman, did not wear masks.

Atha Mahmud assessed that Kasman Lassa as the Regent of Donggala and the Chairman of the Donggala NasDem Party DPD should obey the orders of the Chairman of the NasDem Party Surya Paloh who instructed all NasDem cadres to help the government prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

Because of this, Central Sulawesi's NasDem gave a strong written warning to Kasman Lassa. The stern warning was stated in letter number 091-SI.1/DPW-NasDem-Sulteng/VIII/2021, Friday, August 27, 2021.

In the letter of reprimand, it was explained that Kasman Lassa's actions, apart from causing a crowd, a number of residents who joined in dancing and singing were also not wearing masks.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Donggala Kasman Lassa admitted that he and several of his residents danced at an event. Kasman said, to increase people's immunity in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We put health protocols above all else, secondly we have to increase people's immunity, one of which is entertainment. People whose spirits are low, poor souls, are raised with songs, invited to dance, have energy," said Kasman Lassa.

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