JAKARTA - TNI Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto, together with the National Police Chief Gen. Pol Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, inspects the COVID-19 vaccination attack, at the Sorong Mayor's Office, West Papua, Saturday, August 28.

In addition, the two highest leaders of the TNI-Polri also led discussions regarding the handling of COVID-19 and met face-to-face with the Forkopimda of Sorong Regency, which was attended by the Governor of West Papua, Drs. Dominggus Mandacan.

"The synergy in West Papua is very strong, the TNI-Polri and the Regional Government are always together to deal with the COVID-19 Pandemic in West Papua. Thank you, Mr. TNI Commander and Chief of Police for your attention to West Papua," said the Governor of West Papua, Drs. Dominggus Mandacan in his welcoming speech.

Meanwhile, TNI Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto welcomed what was conveyed by the Governor of West Papua regarding the situation in West Papua.

"I feel happy and proud when I hear the explanation from the Governor and Mayor of Sorong regarding a conducive situation. Because the cooperative relationship and synergy are going well, this is a strength in protecting West Papua," said TNI Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto in a statement received by VOI on Saturday, August 28.

According to President Jokowi's direction, the Commander in Chief said, now we must focus on lowering the mobility index, strengthening close contact tracing, and preparing isoter places for confirmed positive patients.

"The use of masks or the discipline of health protocols must continue to be improved in West Papua, because this is the best prevention effort, of course, it must become a necessity and part of people's daily lives," he said.

Some areas in West Papua, there are still some who have not carried out good close contact tracing, therefore the TNI Commander ordered the TNI-Polri to pay more attention and work hard to carry out testing and tracing.

"Thank you for your cooperation, at this time we have to work hard to break the chain of COVID-19. Remember that the virus never takes a day off, therefore we must also not take a day off to do what is best for the community," said the TNI Commander.

The vaccination campaign was attended by 3,000 people. Vaccination targets consist of the general public, students, youth, and the elderly, with 20 TNI AD vaccinators, 20 Indonesian Navy personnel, 20 National Police, and 20 health workers.

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