JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is coordinating with the Regency Government (Pemkab) of Jember, East Java, regarding information that the regent and local officials receive honorarium for the funeral of the COVID-19 corpse.
"KPK through the Deputy for Coordination and Supervision has coordinated with the Jember Regency Government regarding this information," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati Kuding in a statement quoted by Antara, Friday, August 27.
Ipi explained that referring to the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 1 of 2020, incentives can be given to health/medical personnel, investigators (investigators) of victims exposed to COVID-19, volunteers, and other personnel involved in handling the COVID-19 pandemic in accordance with standards. unit price determined by the regional head.
He said after coordinating with the Jember Regency Government, the funeral fees had been returned to the Jember Regency Regional Treasury.
"The Jember Regency Government has followed up and we received information that today the funds have been returned to the Jember Regency Kasda (Regional Treasury) from four people, namely the Regent, Secretary, Head of BPBD, and the related Head of Division," said Ipi.
Previously, the Regent of Jember Hendy Siswanto and a number of officials within the Jember Regency Government, namely the Regional Secretary Mirfano, the Acting Head of BPBD M Djamil to the Head of the Emergency Logistics Division of the BPBD Penta Satria received honoraria as a team for the funeral of the bodies of COVID-19 patients.
The honorarium received by each official was IDR 70 million, more than a total of 705 funerals based on the account code 5,1,0204,01,0003 in June 2021, so that the total budget spent for the four officials reached IDR 282 million.
Meanwhile, Hendy Siswanto, when confirmed by reporters, confirmed that the receipt of the honorarium was in accordance with existing regulations.
"It is true that I received an honorarium as the director of the funeral team, because according to the existing regulations, there are directors, teams, leaders, and members related to monitoring and evaluation," he said.
According to him, every time a COVID-19 patient dies, the honorarium is Rp. 100,000, but the honorarium is not used for his own interests.
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