MEDAN - A civil servant in North Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra, with the initials RS (47) was arrested by the police while consuming methamphetamine.

RS was arrested along with two of his colleagues, namely RMS (25) and MS (35) in a hut in Dolok Nagodang Hamlet, Sampangan Nihuta III Village, Sipahutar District.

The North Tapanuli Police Chief, AKBP Ronald FC Sipayung, through the Head of the Public Relations Subdivision, Aiptu Walpon Barimbing, said that initially, the police received information from the public about drug abuse in their area.

Subsequently, the police investigated the information. Then, at around 13.00 WIB, the police conducted a raid on the hut which is said to be a place for drug abuse.

"During the raid on the hut, our officers arrested 3 men who were consuming methamphetamine narcotics. From the location, evidence was found of 0.33 grams of methamphetamine and one shabu suction device", said Walpon, Friday, August 27.

From the results of the interrogation of the perpetrators, investigators concluded that the three had no connection with narcotics trafficking syndicates.

"They are purely users, not dealers either", he explained.

"This is evidenced from the evidence that we confiscated as well as the suspect's confession as well as the clues we are looking for. Such as testing evidence and urine testing to the forensic laboratory", continued Walpon.

Currently, the police will conduct an assessment at BNN (National Narcotics Agency) to conduct special research related to rehabilitation.

"So we are currently taking the three suspects to the Siantar BNN office for assessment. From the results of the Siantar BNN special research, we will conclude whether we process according to legal procedures or carry out rehabilitation. So we are waiting for the results of the special research", said Walpon.

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