JAKARTA - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) has denied protecting the Bakrie Group in the PT Asuransi Jiwasraya case. This accusation was first made by the defendant in the alleged corruption case of the placement of investment funds of PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero), Benny Tjokrosaputro.

Chairman of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) Agung Firman Sampurna said that the BPK calculates state losses (PKN) at the request of the AGO. The calculation was carried out after the construction broke the law until the suspect was named by the Prosecutor's Office.

"It would be funny if it was said that the BPK or the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of BPK was protecting certain parties. Because BPK calculates the PKN (State Loss Calculation) after the construction of the illegal act and the suspect is determined by the Attorney General's Office," Agung said in a virtual press conference, Monday, June 29. .

Agung explained, after the suspect was named, the next stage was the exposure stage or case title, in which the investigators presented information about the construction of illegal acts containing malicious intent (mens rea).

Furthermore, he said, the exposure was conveyed by law enforcement officials by presenting sufficient preliminary evidence.

"From the exposure to the Jiwasraya case by the Prosecutor's Office, the BPK concluded that the construction of the illegal act was clear and had been supported by adequate preliminary evidence, and therefore the PKN could be carried out," he said.

Agung emphasized that PKN is carried out by applying the State Financial Audit Standard (SPKN) extra strictly. According to him, PKN conducted by BPK is different from other types of BPK audits or audits. Because PKN is calculated after the case enters the investigation stage.

Given the size and size of this case, said Agung, the BPK together with the Attorney General's Office would formulate a PKN not only for state losses but also for the country's economy. However, after considering the juridical aspects, finally at this level the BPK still determines the calculation of state losses.

"It is possible that if law enforcers will get more evidence, this could be not just a calculation of state losses but also a calculation of losses to the state's economy," he explained.

BPK Report Bent Corner for Defamation

The BPK officially reported the defendant in the Jiwasraya case, Benny Tjokrosaputro (Bentjok) for defamation to Bareskrim Polri. This is related to the accusation of protecting the Bakrie Group in the Jiwasraya case.

"Because what was conveyed was an unfounded accusation, after this press conference we will officially report the illegal acts committed by Benny Tjokro related to defamation to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police Headquarters," he explained.

For your information, Benny Tjokrosaputro 'sings' in court about the Bakrie Group's involvement in the PT Asuransi Jiwasraya corruption case.

Benny Tjokro said that the Bakrie Group contributed to state losses in the PT Asuransi Jiwasraya corruption case.

"There is a cost of money of 10 percent per year, meaning that if it's 12 years it's 120 percent, that's just the interest. This is flat interest, 120 percent of Rp. 6.7 trillion instead of Rp. 8 trillion. So Rp. 8 trillion plus Rp. Rp. 14.7 trillion? That is flat. If it has interest it could be Rp. 16-17 trillion.

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