JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan will present awards to the winners of the 47th Mohammad Husni Thamrin (MHT) journalism competition, Wednesday, August 25 starting at 10.00 WIB, in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Pattern Room.
The presentation of the 47th Muhammad Husni Thamrin Journalistic Award 2021 was held in a hybrid, live and online manner.
Governor Anies and Jakarta Head of Communications and Information Technology Atika Nur Rahmania will be present at the Pola Room, accompanied by representatives from PWI DKI Jakarta, seven award recipients, and representatives of supporting activities. The remarks will be delivered by Kadirah, chairman of the committee, Chairman of PWI Jaya Sayid Iskandarsyah, and finally Anies Baswedan.
The recipients of the 47th Mohammad Husni Thamrin Journalism Award 2021 are expected to have gathered at the City Hall at 08.00 WIB, to check the vaccination certificate.
![Anies Baswedan handed over the award at the previous year Anies Baswedan menyerahkan anugerah pada perhelatan tahun sebelumnya. (Istimewa)](/storage/publishers/78779/body_image_2021082421.jpeg)
General Chairperson of PWI Pusat Atal Sembiring Depari, and Deputy Chairperson of the Press Council Hendry Ch.Bangun, were present as invitees. Likewise, the chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi. This event can also be followed virtually via the zoom link from Diskominfotik
The award ceremony for the winners in a hybrid manner at the 2021 event is similar to last year, 2020.
Sayid Iskandarsyah and the organizing committee for the 47th 2021 Mohammad Husni Thamrin journalism competition led by Kadirah continued to hold meetings with DKI Jakarta Diskominfotik.
They have made videos related to the judging, as well as finalizing various things for the smooth running of the awarding ceremony to the winners.
The Mohammad Husni Thamrin Journalism Award was held from a collaboration between PWI Jaya and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. This is a journalistic work competition related to the dynamics of capital city development. For the Mohammad Husni Thamrin 47 2021 Journalism Award, a team of judges led by Irmanto, deputy head of the PWI Jaya organization, will screen and evaluate journalistic works published in the period from June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021.
![Anies Baswedan took a photo with the committee and management of PWI Jakarta last year. (Special) Anies Baswedan foto bersama panitia dan pengurus PWI Jakarta tahun silam. (Istimewa)](/storage/publishers/78779/body_image_2021082421-1.jpeg)
There are seven categories contested. Namely, Text Journalism, Photo Journalism, Video Journalism from Terrestrial Television Stations, Video Journalism from Streaming Television Mass Media, Audio Journalism from Radio, Infographic Journalism from both print and online media, and Editorials from both print and online media.
Sayid Iskandarsyah and Kadirah, the head of the organizing committee, appreciated and expressed their gratitude to all parties who, in the midst of the difficult economic situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, still devote their attention to supporting the routine activities of PWI Jaya and DKI Jakarta Discominfotik.
The event, which was opened by Anies Baswedan, received support from the Financial Services Authority (OJK), PAL Jaya, Bulog, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Bakrie Amanah, Public Relations Division of Police Headquarters, Djarum Foundation, Astra Agro Lestari, Gajah Tunggal, Pegadaian, Sahabat Steven Musa (SSM), FIF, Indonesia Stock Exchange, JIEP, music promoter Agi Sugiyanto (Pro Active), PT. Duta Kreasi Indah, the Indonesian Reconciliation Society Movement (GMRI), as well as the weekly & online Laraspost, Angle of View Magazine, and three news portals; VOI.ID, Era.id and Suryapagi.com.
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