INDRAMAYU - The Criminal Investigation team of the Indramayu Police, West Java, arrested an inmate who became a fugitive after escaping from the Penitentiary for six months.

"We have arrested inmates who escaped from the Class II B Correctional Institution Indramayu", said Indramayu Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head, AKP Luthfi Olot Gigantara, as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 24.

He said the inmate who was arrested was Yandi (29), a resident of Sukagumiwang Village/Sub-district, Indramayu Regency.

According to him, Yandi escaped from Prison II B, Indramayu Regency, in March 2021, for more or less comfortable months the inmates moved from one place to another.

"This convict had moved around, we had chased him to Jakarta, Brebes, and Subang, but we only caught him on Sunday, August 22 at his house in Sukagumiwang, Indramayu", he said.

Luthfi added that Yandi is a convict who is currently serving a sentence in a four-wheeled vehicle theft case.

Currently, Yandi has been handed over to the Class II B Prison in Indramayu Regency to serve his sentence.

"This prisoner has served four times in prison in cases of theft, violence, and weighting", he said.

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