JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo is reviewing the construction of a sodetan in the State Capital, East Kalimantan. Jokowi invited Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto on the agenda. Both were accompanied by Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono.

Jokowi emphasized that infrastructure development is a priority that needs to be done in building a city, in this case the new capital city in East Kalimantan.

"We are looking at this, looking in more detail because to build a new capital city, the most important thing is the infrastructure to get there first, to bring logistics later," said Jokowi in a Youtube video broadcast by the Presidential Secretariat, Tuesday, August 24.

Jokowi claimed to invite Prabowo to discuss the placement of ports to airports (airports). This means, he said, the new capital city will remain in the government's plan.

"With the Minister of Defense, the Minister of PUPR saw in detail. We also discussed where the port is, where is the airport, so if we look at the field like this it will be easier," said Jokowi.

Meanwhile, Prabowo admitted to convincing Jokowi that the plan to move the capital city from Jakarta to East Kalimantan had to be realized.

"I gave advice to the president that this is strategic, that we must have the courage to move the capital city," Prabowo said.

Prabowo views that efforts to separate the center of government from the center of finance, trade and industry must be carefully prepared. According to him, this has been done by Jokowi.

"Many studies have been carried out. I strongly support it. I suggest to the President, yes, we must continue, sir. That is my suggestion. The Minister of Public Works has also made sure that the preparations are very mature," Prabowo said.

It is known that Jokowi is currently focusing on moving the capital city from DKI Jakarta to East Kalimantan, precisely in parts of North Panajam Paser Regency and Kutai Kartanegara.

The former governor of DKI Jakarta has a dream that this city will adopt a speed system and hopes that the transportation system of the city's transportation system will be different from the transportation in DKI Jakarta because it is fully automatic and electric.

The government is now stepping on the gas so that the new capital city can be implemented immediately. This is evidenced by the completion of the Draft Law (RUU) to move the capital city from DKI Jakarta to East Kalimantan.

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