SURABAYA - Team Jatanras Polrestabes Surabaya arrested the perpetrator of the stabbing of a pencak silat member to death on the spot at the Balongsari intersection, Tandes, Surabaya City. Of the six perpetrators, five were arrested and one is still being pursued.

"About 2 x 24 hours after the incident, he was arrested, along with evidence of a sword, knife, bayonet which was used by the perpetrator to the victim and died on the spot," said the Surabaya Police Chief, Kombes Akhmad Yusep Gunawan, at the Surabaya Police Headquarters, Monday, August 23, 2021.

The five perpetrators had the initials KM, BY, JK, ST, NR. The perpetrators were annoyed with the behavior of the suspect on the highway who was considered arrogant. Then the perpetrator with the initials KM grabbed the victim's motorbike, and the other suspect BY then stabbed him in the neck.

"Until finally the victim fell down and died on the spot. After coordinating with the local community and looking at the CCTV camera, it was seen that the group of perpetrators carried out attacks until they were stabbed, then the Jatanras unit checked each other and digital data, then looked for suspects," he said.

Armed with the available data, finally on August 21 the Jatanras unit arrested the perpetrator. They come from a variety of professions, including workshop employees and barbers. "We hope this is the last incident in Surabaya, and nothing else will happen in any form," he said.

The perpetrator who causes one of the victims to die is charged with Article 340 and/or Article 355 paragraph 2 and paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 20 years in prison.

It was previously reported that a man died at the Balongsari intersection, Tandes, Surabaya City, after being stabbed by an unknown person on Friday, August 23 in the morning.

The identity of the victim is known to be Bagus Hermadi, 24), from Sawahan, Nganjuk who is boarding in Kalijaran, Citraland. He died of serious bleeding.

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