JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reminds Civil Servants (PNS) and state officials to avoid acts that fall into the category of gratification. This was conveyed in response to a letter requesting donations signed by the Governor of West Sumatra Mahyeldi.

Acting KPK Spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati said requests for donations, gifts, or other designations made by state officials and civil servants to the public, companies, and/or other officials could have implications for criminal acts of corruption.

"KPK reminds civil servants and state officials to avoid acts that can be categorized as prohibited gratifications," Ipi said in a written statement to reporters, Sunday, August 22.

She reminded officials including regional heads not to give, ask for, or accept donations and gifts in any form that could be categorized as gratuities related to their positions.

"These actions are prohibited because they can cause conflicts of interest, conflict with regulations or codes of ethics, and have the risk of criminal sanctions," said Ipi.

Furthermore, she said the KPK was also not the first time to remind about the prohibition on asking, receiving, or giving gratuities.

According to Ipi, there has been a circular on gratification control which warns the heads of ministries, institutions, organizations, regional governments, BUMN and BUMD, as well as leaders of associations, including civil servants and other state officials to avoid this practice in order to prevent corruption.

"Civil servants and state officials are prohibited from accepting gratuities related to their positions and contrary to their obligations or duties," she said.

If still stubborn, Ipi said that gratification can be considered as giving bribes and this is regulated in Article 12B of Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes. As for the criminal threats, they are no joke, said Ipi.

The perpetrators, he continued, could be sentenced to 4 to 20 years in prison and fines ranging from Rp200 million to Rp1 billion.

"KPK hopes that civil servants and state administrators can be role models for the community by not abusing their position and authority to commit acts that can be categorized as violating the law," she said.

As previously reported, the Padang, West Sumatra Police team confiscated three boxes of letters signed by the Governor of West Sumatra, Mahyeldi, which five people used to ask for money from a number of local agencies.

The letter is dated May 12, 2021, and numbered 005/3904/V/Bappeda-2021 regarding the issuance of the profile and potential of the Province of West Sumatra.

The letter stated that the recipient of the letter could participate and contribute in sponsoring the preparation and publication of the West Sumatra profile book 'Civil, Superior and Sustainable Province'. The book is planned to be printed in Indonesian, English, and Arabic versions as well as in soft-copy form.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)