JAKARTA - A shirtless man was seen being beaten by dozens of mobs on a highway in the Tanjung Duren area, West Jakarta. In the caption of the viral video uploaded by the Instagram account @jakarta.later, it appears that there was a large crowd of people.

In the video, it is seen that a number of mobs ganged up on one person suspected of being a thug against online motorcycle taxis with a new mode. The video that went viral on the Instagram account contained the narrative 'Be alert, Driver Ojol is a victim of #ModusBegalOlesBalsem.'

"The perpetrator was successfully arrested by residents in the Tanjung Duren area, West Jakarta on Thursday, August 19, last night. The perpetrator was battered after being beaten by the masses," he wrote in the account's caption.

When confirmed by reporters, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tanjung Duren Police, Iptu Riswanta, explained that the information was not true. According to him, at that time online motorcycle taxis in the Tanjung Duren area spontaneously shouted thieves to SR (35) who was suspected of being a robber.

"They spontaneously shouted thief, where the thief came from, we also don't know. People kept chasing the perpetrators into the sewers and then causing a crowd," he said when confirmed, Friday, August 20, night.

Knowing there was a crowd, officers then checked the scene. At that time, the officers found SR hiding in the sewer for fear of being attacked by a large crowd.

According to Riswanta, information on the existence of burglary is illegal information obtained by ojol drivers. So far, they haven't found any victims.

"There is no victim yet, what do you want to do, who is embalmed, who is this, information from savages, right, there is no embalmed victim. There is no one so far (the victim)," he said.

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