TNI AD Persons Perpetrators Of Beating Kramat Jati Residents Still Undergoing Legal Process
Sergeant S underwent examination. (Photo: Kodam Jaya)

JAKARTA - Head of the Army Information Service (Kadispenad) Brigadier General Tatang Subarna gave a statement regarding the incident of beatings carried out by TNI personnel in Bale Kambang, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta.

The SP Sergeant, Babinsa Koramil Palmerah, who is suspected of beating a resident named Indra or Ojos (32), is now in the process of being investigated by the Kodim 0503/West Jakarta.

Based on information received by VOI, Friday, August 20, the incident occurred on Monday, August 16. At that time, Sergeant SP took his son for treatment, then on the road he met Indra alias Ojos. At that time, Indra alias Ojos accused Sertu SP of reporting himself to the police.

Upon receiving an accusation without evidence, Sertu SP spontaneously strangled and slapped the victim once on the cheek. That's when the beating happened.

Meanwhile, based on a video that went viral on social media, the incident began when the victim moved a motorbike parked in front of his house.

"He brought a car that honked because there were many motorbikes in front of the alley. Finally, I moved out a Yamaha Fino motorbike," said Indra, in a video caption uploaded by Jakarta Facts, Friday, August 20, evening.

After moving his motorbike, the TNI officer accused Indra of being a drug dealer.

"He stopped opening the glass and asked me how much one gram of drug (shabu) is, I said I don't know four times," he said.

It is known, Indra was once a victim of wrongful arrests related to drug raids carried out by the Kramat Jati Police. However, at the time of the arrest the police did not find any evidence

However, I don't know what words made the TNI personnel emotional and hit Indra's stomach, head, neck and back. When beaten, the victim did not fight back.

"Residents had time to help, my wife was also pregnant until she came out to intervene," said Indra

Back to Brigadier General Tatang, although the beating case by Sertu SP has been resolved through family channels, the legal process continues according to the applicable rules and laws.

The SP Sergeant will then be handed over to Denpom II Cijantung to undergo further investigation.

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