JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor's Team (JPU) at the Central Jakarta District Prosecutor's Office has handed over the indictment files of 13 investment managers (MI) related to the alleged corruption case of Jiwasraya. The indictment file was separated for each defendant.

"In connection with this delegation, each of the 13 case files was delegated, we carried out 1 case file of 1 indictment each, (so) 13 case files, now there are 13 indictments," said Head of the Central Jakarta District Attorney's Office, Bima Suprayoga to journalists, Friday, August 20.

The prosecution team preferred to change the formulation of the indictment rather than file an objection to the DKI Jakarta High Court (PT). In this way, problem solving is faster.

"We convey the delegation today (or) Friday, August 20, 2021," said Bima.

In addition, technical problems in the preparation of this indictment were corrected in order to speed up the trial process. The goal is also to prevent wild opinions related to the handling of cases.

"As our effort, our commitment is to show seriousness in handling this case. So that there will be no polemics and protracted cases," said Bima.

Previously, the prosecutor at the Central Jakarta District Prosecutor's Office had prepared two schemes related to the judge's decision which said the indictment was too complicated. In fact, the panel of judges declared the charges null and void.

The first scheme that will be carried out is to improve the preparation of the indictments or separate them. Then, the corrected charges will be transferred back to the court.

"The public prosecutor will determine his attitude, whether to repair the indictment and then transfer the indictment back," said Bima.

While the second scheme is to file a legal action. Later, the team of prosecutors will file an objection to the DKI Jakarta High Court (PT) on the judge's decision.

"Take legal action by filing an objection in accordance with 156 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Procedure Code to the High Court," said Bima.

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