SEMARANG – How dare a father with the initials AC live in Semarang, Central Java. The baby that should be guarded to be raised, is actually persecuted to death. The 1.5-year-old boy died after being slammed by the AC in his rented house in Wujil, Semarang Regency.

Semarang Police Chief, AKBP Ari Wibowo said at that time the victim asked for food from his father, AC. After being given the egg, the child refused. That's what made the AC feel annoyed and then abused him.

"At that time, the perpetrator was annoyed and took the victim to the room, then the perpetrator swung the victim three times. However, the third time, the victim fell to the floor," said AKB Wibowo quoting PMJ, Friday, August 20.

Ari Wibowo still explained, after being slammed down, the victim fell face down, the victim's mouth was bleeding and convulsing. Seeing the victim having a seizure, the perpetrator then pressed his stomach and chest and strangled him to death.

After the police received a report of irregularities in this case. Finally AC was arrested. Police confiscated a number of evidence in the form of pillows and clothes used to wipe the victim's blood.

"For his actions, the suspect is subject to Article 76 C junto Article 80 paragraphs 3 and 4 concerning child protection. The threat is 15 years in prison," he said.

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