JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri hopes that 18 of his employees who participate in state defense and nationalism training will graduate and be appointed as State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

These dozens of people were part of 24 employees who were declared to have failed the National Insight Test (TWK) and could still be saved. However, if they do not pass this training, they cannot be appointed as ASN.

"I pray and hope that 18 of our employees at the KPK will be declared to have passed the state defense training," Firli told reporters quoted on Friday, August 19.

He said that the announcement of whether or not these employees passed would be delivered today at the Indonesian Defense University. Firli said that she would attend the announcement.

He admitted that he was proud of the dozens of employees who were still willing to fight to become ASN through the training held with the Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan). According to him, the dozens of employees are serious about participating in the training which has been going on since July 22.

In this activity, the employees received a number of materials in class about the basic values of defending the country, the universal defense system, national insight (the four basic consensus of the state).

Next, they also learn about the history of the nation's struggle, the development of national character, basic state defense skills, national identity and integrity.

Meanwhile, activities outside the classroom are filled with activities in the form of guidance and care, practice of marching, individual assignments. Then group assignments, outbound or team building to train leadership and togetherness in groups, and group and independent sports such as tennis and football.

Furthermore, Firli ensured that the implementation of the transfer of the status of KPK employees had been running according to the applicable laws and regulations. "As for those who object, of course we will respect the legal procedures that can be taken," he said.

"Indonesia is a state of law, the law is the supreme commander," he concluded.

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