KAPUAS - A man with the initials AS, a resident of Kuala Kapuas City, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan, was arrested by the Kapuas Police Criminal Investigation Unit. The AS is suspected of selling its own biological child who is still 14 years old to a masher.

"So the victim's father has sold his own biological child for the last 2 years. This child was offered through a pimp", said Kapuas Police Chief, AKBP Manang Soebeti, quoted by Antara, Thursday, August 19.

In addition to arresting the victim's father, officers also arrested a pimp with the initials RD, a resident of Bataguh District, Kapuas Regency.

The victim, who is still a junior high school student, was offered by the perpetrator through a pimp with the initials RD, a resident of Bataguh District, Kapuas Regency. Victims are offered via WhatsApp.

"If someone ordered, this pimp met the victim who was brought by his father to the hotel", he explained.

The practice of online prostitution involving biological children has been going on for two years. The two perpetrators were arrested on Tuesday, August 17 at around 22.05 WIB in a hotel room in the Kuala Kapuas City area.

When secured, the pimp and the victim's father were in the hotel room waiting for the masher who would come.

At first, the victim admitted that she was forced by her father, but now the victim admits that she is used to serving mashers. This factor is thought to be due to the family economy.

In addition to securing the two perpetrators, the officers also secured a number of evidences including cash amounting to IDR 550 thousand, one mobile phone unit, one vehicle unit and hotel room keys.

The suspect was charged with Article 88 of Law No. 17 of 2016 concerning the stipulation of government regulations in lieu of Law No. 1 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning child protection.

"The two perpetrators will be threatened with a maximum imprisonment of 10 years and or a maximum fine of IDR 200 million", said Manang Soebeti.

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