JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force Wiku Adisasmito announced that soon millions of doses of the Pfizer brand of COVID-19 vaccine will arrive in Indonesia.

"Today, the Indonesian government plans to receive as many as one and a half million doses of the vaccine for Pfizer", Wiku said on the Presidential Secretariat's Youtube video, Thursday, August 19.

Wiku said that Pfizer's vaccine had received an emergency use authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) in mid-July.

Based on data from manufacturers according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and clinical trial results, Pfizer's vaccine has been shown to be 95 percent effective against COVID-19. Wiku said that the arrival of the Pfizer vaccine can be used for people aged 12 years and over.

"Local governments who will receive Pfizer vaccine allocations are asked to be able to use them immediately so that people in their areas can be protected and increase the coverage of the vaccination program", said Wiku.

To date, Indonesia has received around 190 million doses, both in bulk and ready-made vaccines. There are already four types of vaccines that have arrived, namely the Sinovac, Sinopharm, AstraZeneca, and Moderna brands.

In addition, Wiku said that the government also plans to receive as many as 450 thousand doses of the Jadi Astrazeneca vaccine through a bilateral scheme.

"It is hoped that with the arrival of these vaccines, we can accelerate the national vaccination program so that more people can get vaccines and are protected from COVID-19 to create a productive and safe society from COVID-19", he concluded.

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