JAKARTA - Leaflets and murals containing satire narratives and criticisms of the government of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) have appeared in several areas. The most epic is a mural with a face similar to President Jokowi that reads '404: Not Found' in Tangerang.

Responding to this, the Police responded and stated that they would not take any action. The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, said that one of the reasons for not taking action was because President Jokowi did not approve of it.

"Mr. President is not pleased if we are responsive to such matters," said Komjen Agus to VOI, Thursday, August 19.

Moreover, if you look further, Agus said that in such problems, it is preferred that there are reports from victims. However, President Jokowi did not want to report or respond further regarding the mural.

"Attacking individually does indicate that the victim must report it, especially in this case the President also does not want the Police to be reactive and responsive to this problem," said Agus.

In addition, the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit also conveyed the same thing. Moreover, the problem of solving problems that contain elements of ITE must be resolved by restorative justice.

"I don't think there is a problem being critical of the government," said Agus.

However, Agus stressed, if a mural or leaflet containing slander is found later, the Police will take action against it. Because, it is considered to have violated the rules.

"But if it is slander, divides unity and intolerance, we will definitely handle it," said Komjen Agus.

For information, one of the leaflets was circulated in Klaten, Central Java. The leaflet reads 'Forced Health in Sick Country'. Then, 'Covid 19 is not over, 2024 has started, FIX!!!COVID 19 CAMPAIGN CONDITIONS, WITH PROMISES THAT WILL END PEOPLE'S SUFFERING!.' The Saol mural in Tangerang has now been removed.

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