JAKARTA - The discourse on the right of interpellation to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan regarding the implementation of Formula E continues. To date, there have been 15 DPRD members from two factions, namely PSI and PDIP, who have agreed to propose an interpellation proposal.

All members of the PSI Faction, totaling 8 people, have signed a letter of application for the interpellation rights of Formula E. Meanwhile, members of the PDIP Faction have signed a total of 7 people.

In DKI Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2014 concerning the Regulations of the DKI DPRD, the right of interpellation is proposed to the leadership of the DPRD. The form of the right of interpellation this time was a plenary meeting with Anies to question the reason why Formula E was maintained.

The condition is that the interpellation can be carried out as long as it is signed by at least 15 council members and must be more than one faction. This requirement has been fulfilled by members of the DPRD. However, the interpellation approval will be decided by the chairman of the DKI DPRD.

The purpose of the two factions to propose interpellation

From the PSI faction, the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta PSI Regional Leadership Council Michael Victor Sianipar said that the interpellation step was urgent to be proposed. This is because the DPRD will discuss the Draft Changes in General Budget Policy (KUA) and Changes to the Provisional Budget Priority and Ceiling (PPAS) 2021 and KUA PPAS 2022.

Based on the Instruction of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 49 of 2021, the Formula E event is a priority issue that must be held in 2022.

“Interpellation is very important, whether this Formula E will be budgeted or not in the future budget. If it turns out that Formula E is approved, the budget must be drawn up. If not, then the budget can be diverted to other priority activities,” said Michael.

Later, Anies' answer to the interpellation will explain all questions related to Formula E, whether the activity is a wasteful event or not, based on the results of a feasibility study for the implementation of Formula E. bombarded Anies with questions about why Formula E was still planned.

"We want to ask, this is public money used for formula E and the schedule is also unclear whether it will be held or not in 2022. Moreover, the Ministry of Health has conveyed that in 2022 we are still in a pandemic situation. As good as it is, we are still recovering," he said.

Because, Ima said that Formula E will cause regional losses of Rp. 106 billion. This can be seen from the findings of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

In the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, said Ima, it is better for the DKI Provincial Government to focus on dealing with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic instead of forcing the implementation of Formula E.

"The condition is still a pandemic, it is better to use it for people affected by COVID-19. Moreover, the implementation of Formula E in June 2022, in my opinion, is still in the recovery period for COVID-19," he said.

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