JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) remains committed to upholding the eradication of corruption.
In fact, he stressed, the former governor of DKI Jakarta always reminded his ministers to avoid the practice of racism in carrying out their duties.
This was conveyed in response to the spotlight of many parties for the absence of discussions related to preventing and eradicating corruption in the state speech that he delivered on Monday, August 16 yesterday at the annual session of the Indonesia People's Consultative Assembly together with the Indonesia House of Representatives.
"Oh yes, the President's commitment has never stopped and the President's commitment has always been to remind the ranks. One thing to remind us is not to get involved in corruption", Moeldoko told reporters in Jakarta, Wednesday, August 18.
He also said that this commitment is actually seen from the attitude of President Jokowi so far, who has never defended his subordinates when they were caught in corruption cases.
"Has the President ever taken sides? Has the President ever defended? That is one of the President's good intentions in the context of corruption, his commitment", said Moeldoko.
The former TNI commander also said that the government had done various things to prove its commitment to eradicating corruption. Among them are the implementation of an integrated business licensing service system through the Online Single Submission (OSS) to the assistance of the KPK, the Attorney General's Office, and the police in each policy implementation.
"So what I mean is that the public needs to understand that concrete steps to prevent corruption and take action are very clearly carried out by the President", said Moeldoko.
"The indicators that I mentioned earlier are a strong commitment by the President to the efforts to prevent and prosecute corruption", he concluded.
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