JAKARTA - The inactive West Bandung Regent, Aa Umbara, has been charged with organizing the procurement of a social assistance package for handling COVID-19 in the form of necessities, which led to a criminal act of corruption.

In the indictment, Aa Umbara did this to benefit from the procurement of the basic food packages. Aa is suspected of collaborating with a businessman, M Totoh Gunawan, who is also a defendant in the same case.

"The defendant as the West Bandung Regent who was assigned to oversee the procurement of goods or services in an emergency, however, the defendant turned out to be involved in arranging the procurement package for the emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic", said Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Prosecutor, Budi Nugraha, at the Bandung District Court, Bandung City, West Java, reported by Antara, Wednesday, August 18.

Besides Totoh, Andri Wibawa, who is also the son of Aa Umbara, was also involved in the case. In the prosecutor's indictment, Aa also wants the benefits to be obtained by his family as well.

"In realizing the social assistance program, the defendant wanted benefits for himself and his family", said the Prosecutor.

The prosecutor in his indictment revealed that the corruption began with the refocusing of the West Bandung Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) for the prevention of COVID-19 in the form of unexpected expenditures (BTT) for the 2020 fiscal year.

At that time, the BTT for the COVID-19 response was set at more than IDR 52 billion for the use of social assistance to affected communities.

Then M Totoh Gunawan's companies, namely PT Jagat Dirgantara (JDG) and CV Sentral Vegetable Garden City Lembang (SSGCL) were chosen by Aa with a direct appointment mechanism. Aa was charged with asking for a profit of 6 percent of the profits that Totoh would later get.

According to the prosecutor, Aa immediately introduced Totoh to officials within the West Bandung Regency Government as a provider of social assistance for the Social Safety Net (JPS) and Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB).


Previously, according to the prosecutor, Aa Umbara had asked Totoh Gunawan to provide social assistance packages with a total of 120 thousand packages for social safety nets of IDR 300 thousand per package and PSBB activities of IDR 250 thousand per package.

In its implementation, the prosecutor said that the payment of the basic food packages was carried out in stages. There have been six payments made by the West Bandung Regency Government to Totoh Gunawan's company.

Whereas from the six times the provision of social assistance packages of 55,378 packages, the West Bandung Regency Government made a payment of IDR 15,948,750,000. Then from the payment, the prosecutor said Totoh got a profit of IDR 3,405.815,000.

Then, said the Prosecutor, Aa also worked with his son, Andri Wibawa, who had prepared the company to procure the social assistance. Aa wants a reward of 1 percent of the profits that Andri will get.

For Andri's company, the prosecutor alleged that the West Bandung Regency Government had made four stages of payment. The total money paid for the 120,675 social assistance packages was IDR 36,202,500,000.

"On the procurement of the social assistance package, Andri Wibawa received a profit of IDR 2.6 billion", said the prosecutor.

After reading the indictment, Aa Umbara's Legal Team stated that they would not file an exception. So the judge decided that the trial would continue immediately by presenting witnesses on the agenda of the evidentiary hearing.

"What is stated in the indictment will be put into evidence later", said Rizky Rizgantara, one of Aa Umbara's attorneys.

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