JAKARTA - Chairperson of the PDIP DPP, Megawati Soekarnoputri, reminisced about the struggles of her party when it was still called PDI. According to him, at that time together with PDI cadres, they were fighting against the enormous power in the country.

"They really felt it was difficult, it was difficult to get up and down. At that time, as a leader, I had to build an internal organization," said Megawati, Wednesday, August 18.

"But at that time, I also faced external power, which I also had to face," he continued.

Even so, said Megawati, the spirit of the cadres is like a fire that never goes out. In fact, the PDI was often branded with various names until it finally won in two general elections.

"Alhamdulillah, we can do it twice, from the party that used to be called the people's party, the flip-flops party, the small party," he said.

Therefore, Megawati asked the PDIP cadres not to be complacent about this achievement. Because he said, the spirit of struggle must continue to be nurtured by its cadres.

"But you can't, there is no guarantee that something will always be on top. So we have to keep trying, so we don't just want to enjoy a comfort zone life," said the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia.

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