JAKARTA - Eight defendants in the alleged corruption case in the management of PT. The Social Insurance of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (Asabri) Persero was charged with harming state finances worth IDR 22.788 trillion.

"The defendants' Sonny Widjaya together with Adam Rachmat Damiri, Bachtiar Effendi, Hari Setianto, Benny Tjokorsaputro, Heru Hidayat, Lukman Purnomosidi, Jimmy Sutopo (each prosecuted separately) and Ilham Wardhana B Siregar (deceased), have committed or participated in unlawful acts that could harm state finances. PT Asabri (Persero) amounting to IDR 22,788,566,482,083", said the public prosecutor of the Attorney General's Office at the Jakarta Corruption Crime Court, quoted by Antara, Monday, August 16.

There are eight people, in this case, namely the President Director of PT Asabri March 2016 - July 2020 Lt. Gen. Retired. Sonny Widjaja, President Director of PT Asabri 2012 - March 2016 Major General Retired. Adam Rachmat Damiri, Director of Investment and Finance of PT Asabri July 2014 - August 2019 Hari Setianto, President Director of PT Eureka Prima Jakarta Tbk (LCGP) Lukman Purnomosidi, Director of PT Jakarta Issuer Investor Relations Jimmy Sutopo, President Director of PT Hanson International Tbk. Benny Tjokrosaputro and President Commissioner of PT Trada Alam Minera, Heru Hidayat.

However, one defendant was not present at the trial because he was still in the hospital due to exposure to COVID-19, namely Bachtiar Effendi as Director of Investment and Finance of PT. Asabri 2012 - June 2014.

While one person died during the investigation stage, namely Ilham Wardhana Bilang Siregar as Head of the Investment Division of PT Asabri (Persero) for the period July 1, 2012 - December 29, 2016. Ilham died on July 31, 2021.

The state financial losses are by the Report on the Results of Investigative Examinations in the context of Calculation of State Losses by the Supreme Audit Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI) Number: 07/LHP/XXI/05/2021 dated 17 May 2021.

PT. Asabri gets funding from the THT (Old Age Savings) program funds and AIP (Pension Contribution Accumulation) program funds sourced from monthly ASABRI participant contributions which are deducted from the basic salaries of the TNI, Police, and ASN/PNS (Civil Servant)at the Ministry of Defense of 8 percent with details for the Pension Fund, it is deducted by 4.75 percent of the basic salary and for the Old Age Allowance (THT) it is cut by 3.25 percent of the basic salary.

Ilham Wardhana at the December 2012 meeting said in a board of directors meeting chaired by Adam Rachmat Damiri that PT Asabri must invest in the capital market in the form of stock instruments and the types of shares include growing stocks or known as "layer" 2 or "layer" 3, namely shares - Stocks that have high risk.

The high-risk stocks include LCGP (PT. Eureka Prima Jakarta Tbk) since October 2012, MYRX (PT. Hanson International Tbk) on the regular market since 4 October 2012, and SUGI (PT Sugih Energy Tbk).

In the period 2012-2019, Ilham Wardhana Siregar together with Adam Rachmat Damiri, Bachtiar Effendi, Hari Setianto, Sonny Widjaya have held meetings and agreements to regulate the placement of PT Asabri's funds in investments in shares, mutual funds, Medium Term Note (MTN) or medium-term debt securities and other investments with several shareholders, namely Lukman Purnomosidi, Danny Boestami, Benny Tjokrosaputro, Edward Seky Soeryadjaya, Bety, Lim Angie Christina, Rennier Abdul Rahman Latief, Heru Hidayat and 15 other investment managers.

In around October 2017, Sonny Widjaya and Hari Setianto agreed with the defendants Heru Hidayat and Joko Hartono Tirto to work together in managing the investment of PT Asabri (Persero) by providing input on shares and mutual fund products that PT Asabri (Persero) could consider to be "subscribed" or "redemptioned" through Joko Hartono Tirto.

Cooperation through mutual fund products, among others, to transfer the shares of PT. Asabri has not performed well and experienced a price decrease. The mutual funds are used by Heru Hidayat, Ilham Wardhana B Siregar, and their affiliated parties in the investment arrangement of PT Asabri (Persero).

For their actions, the defendants were threatened with criminal sanctions in Article 2 paragraph (1) or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law no. 31 of 1999 as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes Jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

Meanwhile, the defendants Heru Hidayat and Benny Tjokorosaputro were also charged with money laundering as stated in Article 4 of Law No. RI. 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering.

Heru Hidayat and Benny Tjokrosaputro are convicts in the corruption case of PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero). Both were sentenced to life imprisonment.

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