JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government and DKI DPRD are currently preparing changes to the 2020-2022 DKI Regional Medium-Term Program Plan (RPJMD). One of the programs that will be discussed is Formula E, which is planned to be held in 2022.

The chairman of the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD, Gembong Warsono, said that during the discussion on the revision of the RPJMD, the DPRD would decide whether to approve the budget procurement to hold Formula E or not.

If in the discussion the DPRD decides not to agree to knock down the Formula E budget, then DKI Governor Anies Baswedan will not get financing for the electric car racing event from the APBD.

"Suppose that later during the discussion it turns out that all factions agree or not to be included in the RPJMD, it means that 2022 cannot be implemented because Formula E was included by Mr. Anies in the revision of the RPJMD which is currently under discussion," said Gembong to VOI, Sunday, August 15. .

Prior to that discussion, Gembong said the DPRD would only discuss the approval of the Formula E budget if the executive had submitted a revised document regarding a feasibility study regarding the implementation of Formula E.

The feasibility study was made by the BUMD PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) as the executor of the activity. The study includes the amount of expenditure costs to DKI Jakarta's income from the Formula E event.

It is known that Jakpro had previously prepared a feasibility study when applying for regional capital participation (PMD) to the DPRD. However, the study needs to be refined by including considerations of the COVID-19 pandemic in it.

"What kind of feasibility study we need to know first. Because now what is used by BUMD is capital participation. So, Pak Anies will hand it over to BUMD Jakpro. But Jakpro to be able to hold the event uses PMD," said Gembong.

Gembong said that until now Jakpro had not submitted the revised feasibility study to the DKI DPRD, so the discussion on the Formula E budget in the RPJMD revision had not been carried out.

Separately, PT Jakarta Propertindo's Project Director of Sportainment, M Maulana, said that currently a feasibility study for the implementation of Formula E is still being prepared. "Everything is being prepared with the relevant parties," Maulana said in a short message.

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